What times are available for appointments?
Appointments are available between both clinics between Monday and Friday. The Sutherland rooms are available on Monday, Wednesday and alternate Fridays and the Hurstville rooms on Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays.
How long is the consultation?
An initial consultation will generally take 30 minutes and a follow-up consultation will take 15 minutes. Longer time will be required if there is more than one injury to assess.
Will the appointment be on time?
In the majority of cases the clinic runs strictly to time. It would be appreciated if you could arrive 5-10 minutes early to supply both personal and health details for your consultation.
Do I need a referral to make an appointment?
A doctors referral is preferred, but not essential for your consultation. The doctors referral allows you to claim the maximum Medicare rebate for a Specialist consultation, and all subsequent consultations after that. Referral can be made by a physiotherapist or other allied health professional, although the Medicare rebate is claimed at a reduced rate.
What should I bring to the consultation?
It is important to bring as much information to the consultation as possible to allow for an accurate diagnosis of your problem. This should include:
- Your Medicare card
- Your referral letter from your doctor and other treating therapists
- Any insurance details (if this is a workers compensation claim)
- All tests – X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans & blood tests (even if reported as normal)
- Any letters or operation reports from other specialists involved in your care
What should I wear to the consultation?
To make an accurate diagnosis you will need to have a thorough examination of your injury. Wearing appropriate clothing will make this much easier and save any potential embarrassment. This may include wearing shorts for a knee condition or a singlet top for a shoulder complaint.
Can I have more than one injury assessed at the consultation?
There is no difficulty with assessing more than one injury, although it would be appreciated if this could be mentioned at the time of booking so extra time may be set aside.
Are X-rays available at the practice?
The Hurstville rooms have X-ray on site and the Sutherland rooms are within a 5 minute walk from an X-ray practice. If simple X-rays are required then all possible attempt will be made to have them performed as part of the consultation on the day for your convenience.
Are my medical records kept private and confidential?
Your medical file is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy. Our staff are bound by strict confidentiality requirements as a condition of employment regarding your medical records. We will not release the contents of your medical file without your consent.